For the record, this is not the entirety of this problem. I realize my mistake in subtracting 1 from 1000 and getting 99 (We had been working with 1 from 100 for a while and I was on auto-pilot.) about halfway down the page when I caught my mistake; then, after reducing it, was able to get the correct answer and bring it back up to the top. Of course, it took 3 tries, but hey, we finally settled on an answer and it ended up being RIGHT!
Thursday mornings are cuh-RA-zy for me, but I appreciate their value as my primary “out of the house” day wherein I start with bible study at 9:15 am, and then, load up my errands after that.
The best part of the day is coming home with my checklist accomplished and slipping guilt-free into an oversized t-shirt and yoga pants. And no, admittedly, I haven’t practiced yoga since that one time, but the pants– – so stretchy and comfy–and thanks to Marshall’s, super cheap.
Today while I was out and about Meredith texted me:
“Momma, I need a little help in Algebra when you get back.”
I texted:
“I think you have the wrong person. No comprendo Algebra-o.”
She texted back:
“You need help, sweetie.”
I wrapped it up:
“The help I need, you can’t provide.”
And then, I went home and proceeded to help her with her Algebra coursework because I CHOSE to learn a great deal more than I’ve ever learned in Algebra last year with Emelie, and I fully intend to bring Mer the same level of commitment.
However, there is this little thing called “retention” of which I do not have much of at the ripe age of 42.
I went back and reviewed the lesson examples and watched one of the multimedia presentations before attempting to assist.
Over and over; with a pen, yo.
Wasn’t it Tori Amos who sang that “Confucius [did] his crossword with a pen?” I felt sort of smart when I remembered those lyrics; well, until I looked at all the scratch-outs and times I wrote “No!” and “Oops!”
I wonder if Confucious spoke Spanish too.
What is the one subject that throws you for a loop? How do you handle it? Rise to the challenge and re-learn it? Hire a tutor? Run screaming across the yard?
Heather Sanders is a leading homeschooling journalist who inspires homeschooling families to live, love and learn. Married to Jeff, Heather lives in the East Texas Piney Woods where she currently home schools two of her three kids.